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These added-value annual benefits are in addition to those received at sponsorship levels specific to each event for donors that pledge $3,500 or more by December 1st within a designated 12-month period. Our PATRONS sponsorship team will contact you to discuss your preferences for allocating your donation across our portfolio of events.


•    Ability for sponsor to host branded table at no charge with onsite banner at 6 of the annual Party at the Pavilion community concerts
•    Sponsor logo incorporated into one annual PATRONS advertisement noting annual partners in Bellaire Parks and Recreation Leisure and Activities Guide
•    Annual branded presence incorporated within permanent PATRONS display located directly off the entrance at the Bellaire Parks and Recreation Center with countertop display
•    Most prominent sponsor logo displayed in two bi-annual PATRONS boosted social media advertisements noting annual partners
•    Most prominent sponsor logo displayed in official PATRONS 8’x4’ banner placed in prime locations at the following fundraising events: Wine and Tapas, Bellaire Trolley Run, Dive-in Movie Night, Tents in Town
•    Most prominent sponsor logo displayed official PATRONS 8’x4’ banner placed in prime locations at the following city- wide events: 4th of July Festival, Holiday in the Park, Party at the Pavilion
•    Sponsor name engraved permanently in a ½ wall brick at the Donor Plaza in Bellaire Town Square
•    Verbal recognition of donor at all PATRONS-sponsored events
•    Most prominent sponsor logo displayed on PATRONS Annual Partner page in PATRONS event programs for Wine and Tapas and Tents in Town
•    Most prominent sponsor logo displayed on permanent footer on PATRONS website
•    Most prominent sponsor logo displayed with hyperlink included in permanent footer on all PATRONS e-blasts for a 12-month period

Annual Corporate Partner- $15,000 Level

  • PATRONS prefers payment via check for Annual Partnerships to avoid processing fees and to maximize your donation.

Thank You To Our Annual Partners!

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PATRONS For Bellaire Parks

PATRONS for Bellaire Parks is a 501(c) (3) non profit organization. Contributions are tax deductible to the extent allowed by law.  


Registered Charity: EIN #: 76-0687995

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© 2024 by PATRONS for Bellaire Parks

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